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How Are You Feeling?

Updated: Oct 19, 2021

As clients come in with different ailments of the body such as: fatigue, soreness, sharp or dull pain, tension, immobility, inflammation, injury, and the list goes on. We as massage therapist must decipher what approach needs to be taken. ATT works through the layers of muscles in which the human body is laid out. From the top layer skin down to the bone. At ATT our focus is getting the muscle tissue from an injured/congestive state to a healthy flourishing one. This occurs when flushing the muscle tissue of it's toxins and waste by way of massage. Depending on ones choices of intake (inhalation/exhalation) with food, drink, therapy, exercise, stress, and even pollution will determine how fast ones body will respond to therapy. Further, how long the challenge has been present in the body will determine how often massage therapy treatments should happen for you.

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